Supply of photovoltaic components

Supplying PV components is much more than just moving products from point A to point B.
ASUNIM activities focuses on:
• Supplying all the products that integrate a solar power plant.
• Providing technical support in system dimensioning and engineering choices for system improvement.
• Advise on key issues of planning, engineering, installation and maintenance of solar power plants.
• Transmitting tailor-made know-how to installers.
• Assistance in guarantee cases and technical troubleshooting.

ASUNIM scope is on the grid feed in PV systems although it has a large experience in:
• Autonomous solar electrification (solar lighting and irrigation systems).
• Hybrid systems (diesel and PV).
• Emergency power supply with PV.
• Uninterrupted power supply for telecommunications.

We are all about photovoltaic, if it’s PV we are interested.

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Asunim Turkey and YBT Enerji sign EPC agreement for a 9MW licensed Solar Power Plant